Dating on the Internet is growing every year! See how online dating can help you find available singles today

Written by William Lezubski

Continued from page 1

This advice really applies when you decide to start dating online. The fact that you can't see them, and they can't see you, gives yourepparttar opportunity to make your dating personals seem a little too good to be true! I'm sure we're all guilty of telling a couple of white lies, and because it's so easy to do this withrepparttar 141303 online personals, email, andrepparttar 141304 chat to make us out to be a movie star, those actions really don't do us any good.

However, now that many dating sites offerrepparttar 141305 services to download your photo online, it makes revealingrepparttar 141306 person that much easier! You can viewrepparttar 141307 photos you're interested in, and then sendrepparttar 141308 qualified singles a personalized profile via email to have them respond back.

Honest interaction makes your dating experience more pleasurable and stress free. When you relax and be yourself, you will notice thatrepparttar 141309 fun will be put back in your dating romance.

About the author: William is the owner and the author of “Intimate Adult Dating Web Site” available at:

The Blessings (And Curse) Of The Constitution

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

Continued from page 1

Before Brown vs. Board of Education, there was Plessy vs. Ferguson and thousands of black children were restricted to separate educational facilities, patently unequal in every resource: money, personnel, books, supplies, and expectations. Recourse was banned becauserepparttar Constitution countenanced such a lie.

Decades before Roe vs. Wade, doctors were fully competent to perform clinically safe abortions. Yet thousands of women died in backrooms, in Mexican hotel rooms, and inrepparttar 141173 parlors of unlicensed midwives.

Each time a decision is made about whatrepparttar 141174 Constitution "really" means, someone gets hurt.

Abolition savedrepparttar 141175 slaves but economically destroyedrepparttar 141176 Old South. Desegregation of schools helped black children embracerepparttar 141177 hope of a better life but bankrupted marginal communities who already had severely limited resources. Legal abortion savedrepparttar 141178 lives, and lifestyles, of thousands of women but destroyedrepparttar 141179 possibilities inherent in those fetuses we threw so casually away.

It is in their recognition ofrepparttar 141180 power inherent in any one person's, or group's, ability to interpretrepparttar 141181 Constitution for us all, thatrepparttar 141182 feuding Senators deserve our respect. On each side, they seek to protect their chosen electorate fromrepparttar 141183 "excesses" ofrepparttar 141184 other side. They feel responsible for avertingrepparttar 141185 emotional carnage that extreme views, of any persuasion, impose onrepparttar 141186 general populace.

It would be easy to simply look atrepparttar 141187 long haul and calculate that "everything will work out" inrepparttar 141188 end. Unfortunately,repparttar 141189 long haul may mean many lifetimes and we have only one to live -repparttar 141190 "short term" incarnate.

It would behoove all of us, no matter our views, no matter our political position, to seek out and identify those our ideas would hurt and think, before we speak or act, how such harm might be minimalized.

Virginia Bola is a licensed clinical psychologist with deep interests in Social Psychology and politics. She has performed therapeutic services for more than 20 years and has studied the effects of cultural forces and employment on the individual. The author of an interactive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, The Worker's Edge, she can be reached at

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